Search results for: new dubbo bridge in all categories

5 results found containing all search terms.
Changes to the New Dubbo Bridge have been delivered as part of the refined design following extensive community consultation.
... More New Dubbo ... submissions report released ... February 2020 Changes ...
Terms matched: 3  -  27 Feb 2020
$500 million for the Newell Highway, $73 million for the Great Western Highway and $140 million for New Dubbo Bridge. A snap shot of projects bein...
... for New Dubbo ... . A snap ... of projects being ...
Terms matched: 3  -  13 Nov 2018
The Liberal and Nationals Government will invest more than $75 billion in nationally significant transport infrastructure projects over the next 1...
... including new funding ... , Dubbo in ... South Wales and ...
Terms matched: 3  -  14 May 2018
Member for Dubbo Troy Grant today announced the Dubbo community is set to benefit from a raft of road infrastructure improvement projects which wi...
... . New Dubbo ... future Dubbo 06 ... Dubbo Bridge - ...
Terms matched: 3  -  06 Apr 2018
Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Member for Dubbo Troy Grant today announced a preferred route has been selected for a new bridge to cross the Macqu...
... for new Dubbo ... 20 June 2017 ... Government : Premier ...
Terms matched: 3  -  20 Jun 2017
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