Search results for: "hells gates dam" in all categories

5 results found.
Queensland’s Coordinator-General has today declared a new coordinated project with the potential to boost central Queensland’s economy, create loc...
... assessment for the proposed Hells Gates Dam $ ...
Terms matched: 1  -  11 May 2020
SMEC is pleased to start work this month as Lead Consultant on the Business Case for the A$4 billion Hells Gates Irrigation Scheme in Northern Que...
... and development of the Hells Gates Dam and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  26 Feb 2020
The Palaszczuk Government will give the green light for further assessment of the $5 billion Hells Gates Dam proposal. Natural Resources Minister ...
... the $5 billion Hells Gates Dam proposal ...
Terms matched: 1  -  09 Aug 2019
SMEC has been commissioned by Seqwater to undertake environmental and regulatory approvals for the Six Mile Creek Dam Upgrade project, located at ...
... , which includes the Hells Gates Dam Feasibility ...
Terms matched: 1  -  03 Sep 2017
SMEC has been engaged by Townsville Enterprise Limited (TEL) to lead the Hells Gate Dam and Irrigation Scheme Feasibility Study in the Upper Burde...
... ) to lead the Hells Gate Dam and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  30 May 2017
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