Search results for: "gawler rail" electrification in all categories

11 results found containing all search terms.
ACCIONA has entered into an agreement with Lendlease, the Australian property and infrastructure group, to acquire the ongoing business of Lendlea...
... upgrade. Gawler Rail ... ) . Electrification Project ...
Terms matched: 2  -  06 Jan 2020
The Federal Liberal and Nationals Government in partnership with the South Australian Government has announced the commencement of construction wo...
... | More Gawler Rail ... sparks into construction 07 ...
Terms matched: 2  -  07 Nov 2019
A congestion-busting agreement landed today between the Morrison and Marshall Governments means all 10 Urban Congestion Fund projects will commenc...
... 2019. Gawler Rail ... Electrification — the Australian ...
Terms matched: 2  -  21 Aug 2019
The Marshall Government will today release a $44 million tender to maintain and upgrade rail infrastructure across South Australia’s metropolitan ...
... of the Gawler rail ... and the electrification of ...
Terms matched: 2  -  16 Apr 2019
The Marshall Liberal Government’s first State Budget is investing in a comprehensive infrastructure program to ensure continued growth in the Sout...
... for the Gawler Rail ... Electrification project ($ ...
Terms matched: 2  -  18 Sep 2018
The full electrification and modernisation of the Gawler Rail Line will be completed by 2020, following the award of the next stage of the project...
... deliver full Gawler Rail ... 24 July 2018 Lendlease ...
Terms matched: 2  -  24 Jul 2018
The Liberal and Nationals Government will invest more than $75 billion in nationally significant transport infrastructure projects over the next 1...
... million. Gawler Rail ... for the electrification of ...
Terms matched: 2  -  14 May 2018
The Federal Government’s $7.9 billion investment to rail announced in tonight’s 2018-19 Budget is supported by the Australasian Railway Associatio...
... for the Gawler Rail ... electrification in South Australia ...
Terms matched: 2  -  14 May 2018
Lendlease has been selected by the South Australian Government as the preferred contractor to design and construct the Gawler Rail Electrification...
... to deliver Gawler Rail ... Project 25 January 2018 ...
Terms matched: 2  -  25 Jan 2018
More South Australian businesses are set to benefit from the State Government’s record investment in infrastructure with a briefing for industry o...
... of the Gawler rail ... 152.5 million electrification of ...
Terms matched: 2  -  15 Aug 2017
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