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5 results found.
The Devonport Living Cities Project is transforming the local community and is driving confidence, growth and jobs in North-West Tasmania.
... step in delivering the Devonport Living City Project ...
Terms matched: 1  -  20 Sep 2019
The Hodgman Liberal Government is on track to achieve our bold vision to unlock Tasmania’s potential as the renewable energy Battery of the Nation...
... , being held in Devonport this week, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  03 Jul 2019
The Hodgman Liberal Government’s rezoning of Government owned land for new housing developments is set to continue the massive increase in residen...
... sites in Rokeby, Devonport, and West ...
Terms matched: 1  -  30 Jan 2019
TasPorts' $200 million Port Master Plan will deliver on our plan to boost the Tasmanian economy across all parts of the State.
... extend berthing facilities in Devonport for passengers, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  30 Aug 2018
The Hodgman Liberal Government is delivering on our plan to unlock the potential in North and North-West Tasmania with more than $2.3 billion of i...
... The $250 million Devonport Living City, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  13 Jul 2018
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