Next step for Treasury buildings

11 February 2020

The Tasmanian majority Liberal Government is seeking requests for Expressions of Interest to reimagine the Treasury buildings.

It is important prospective investors have the opportunity to undertake due diligence on this important site before presenting a concept plan that aligns with the Project Objectives agreed with the community.

Respondents will have from February 6 to April 2, 2020, to outline the social economic and environmental contribution their proposals will deliver for Tasmanians.

Proponents will be expected to highlight their experience and capacity to deliver a project of this scale and heritage significance, consistent with the new Treasury Complex and Public Buildings Conservation Management Plan.

Community views will be sought concurrently with the REOI stage to inform the transaction process. The CMP, which has been finalised in close consultation with Heritage Tasmania and the City of Hobart, and a survey, are available on the website.

The survey seeks feedback on whether this comprehensive CMP addresses the issues the community would want the document to cover, and future uses that may be proposed.

Heritage Tasmania is undertaking separate public consultations from January 8 to March 8, 2020, on a single consolidated heritage entry that covers the Treasury buildings, sub-surface values and curtilage, to better define their heritage value.

More information is available at

More information about The Treasury is available at




Source:  Tasmanian Government -

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