New Industry Skills Council to shape SA’s future workforce

19 March 2019

The State Government’s new Industry Skills Councils will shape South Australia’s future workforce by providing critical advice on priorities around skills, training and workforce development.

South Australia’s eight new Industry Skills Councils were established at the start of the year under the revitalised Training and Skills Commission and chaired by Michael Boyce.

The initiative is part of the State Government’s broad reforms to rebuild South Australia’s training system.

Minister for Industry and Skills David Pisoni said the Marshall Liberal Government is growing employment and training opportunities for more South Australians while recognising the need for government investment to be aligned with industry requirements.

“We are listening to the needs of industry, critical in ensuring South Australia is able to take advantage of the massive opportunities coming our way, particularly in growth industries such as Defence, space, cyber-security, health and disability,” he said.

There’s also been an enthusiastic response from 80 volunteer members from industry, business and peak bodies to the Industry Skills Councils, following a call from South Australia’s Training and Skills Commission.

“It’s been great to see such an enthusiastic response from individuals from a wide range of industries who want to have a greater say in shaping the skills of South Australia’s workforce,” Minister Pisoni said.

“Members will play an important role in ensuring that the voice of industry is heard loud and clear, and our training investment is directly aligned to employers’ needs in each industry sector,” Minister Pisoni said.

“They will also provide an important link to help realise the $203 million Skilling South Australia initiative to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships over the next four years.

“During our consultation, a recurring theme was the importance of industry-input into skills planning, and this has been confirmed by the keen response we’ve seen through the expression of interest process.

“I’m heartened by this vote of confidence from industry, and I look forward to progressing our Skilling South Australia initiative with the Industry Skills Councils.”

For more information on Skilling South Australia and how the Marshall Liberal Government is supporting employers and job seekers through new training and skilling opportunities visit the Skills Gateway website




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