Blueprint sets Western Parkland City up for success

10 January 2019

Federal Government: Less than a year after signing the City Deal, one of the most visionary projects in Australia's history is on target to transform Western Sydney.

A blueprint that will drive the creation of Western Sydney Parkland as Australia's next 21st Century city has been released today.

The Western Sydney City Deal Implementation Plan details the delivery of all 38 City Deal commitments and implementation milestones.

Minister for Cities, Urban Infrastructure and Population Alan Tudge said the Plan would ensure the City Deal delivers the right outcomes for Western Parkland City residents, their children and grandchildren.

“We're working across governments, industries and communities to bring Western Sydney Parkland to life,” Mr Tudge said.

“It will mean that residents get the liveable, productive and sustainable city they deserve,” he said.

NSW Minister for Western Sydney Stuart Ayres said significant progress has been made since the Deal was signed in March.

“This framework sets us up to maximise the benefits from more than $20 billion of infrastructure investment by the State and Commonwealth Governments,” Mr Ayres said.

“The City Deal capitalises on the once-in-a-generation opportunity created by the Coalition Government's delivery of the $5.3 billion Western Sydney Airport,” he said.

Mr Tudge said the Plan would provide education opportunities, more streamlined planning processes and good governance—which was critical to the success of the world-class Parkland City.

“Parkland City—soon to be home to four of NSW's leading universities—will create a pre-eminent learning centre that will nurture the brilliant minds in Western Sydney, readying them for the jobs of the future,” he said.

“Our commitment to the North South Rail Link means strong connectivity within the Parkland City and to the new Western Sydney Airport and Aerotropolis. International investment agreements with major global players will help support 200,000 jobs, transforming the city into an economic powerhouse”.

A $150 million Liveability Program will also allow councils to create new community facilities and enhance urban amenity, creating high quality places for residents to live, work and play.

The Western Sydney City Deal, signed in March 2018, brings together the Coalition and NSW governments and the eight local councils in the Western Parkland City to deliver transformative change to the region over the next 20 years.

The Implementation Plan is available here,

Western Sydney City Deal implementation plan: Mayoral quotes

Councillor Mark Greenhill OAM, Mayor of Blue Mountains City Council:

The Western Sydney City Deal Implementation Plan cements the commitment of all levels of government, and between the Councils in the Western Parkland City, to convert the City Deal from a plan to an on-ground project.

Councillor Peter Sidgreaves, Mayor of Camden Council:

The Implementation Plan reflects the progress that has been made with the City Deal through partnership and collaboration between all levels of Governments, and I am really looking forward to seeing the many great community outcomes that will be delivered as part of this program. Accountability and good governance is critical to the success of the City Deal, and this plan will ensure we are on the right track to deliver great investment, education and job opportunities within the Western Parkland City.

Councillor George Brticevic, Mayor of Campbelltown City Council:

The Implementation Plan sets out the roadmap to working collaboratively with the\ Australian and NSW Governments, together with our Local Government neighbours to deliver the tangible outcomes our city will enjoy. Campbelltown welcomes the much needed connectivity infrastructure and services set out in the City Deal Implementation Plan, and looks forward to the enhanced urban amenity through the liveability program. With Campbelltown's population set to double in the next 20 years, it is imperative the infrastructure is set in place now, to ensure our city is prepared for growth and remains a place where people want to live, play and do business.

Councillor Barry Calvert, Mayor of Hawkesbury City Council:

At Hawkesbury City Council we are looking forward to the opportunities the City Deal will create for the Hawkesbury community and our local businesses. Not just a new look and feel for the heritage town centres of Windsor, Richmond and South Windsor but a renewal in business confidence as people re-imagine new opportunities in our centres.

Wendy Waller, Mayor of Liverpool City Council:

The Western Parkland City and Western Sydney Airport are going to shift the axis of Sydney towards the west. Liverpool City Council welcomes the City Deal Implementation Plan. It's the result of a lot of hard work and collaboration between three levels of government.

Councillor Ross Fowler OAM, Mayor of Penrith:

The City Deal is not just a promise, it is a promise backed by a highly detailed strategy, regional collaboration and three-tiers of government investment to transform our region through 38 commitments. This Implementation Plan tells us what has already been achieved and how the commitments will build on the potential that already exists in Penrith and in our neighbouring Council areas to deliver remarkable results for our region.

Councillor Judith Hannan, Mayor of Wollondilly Shire Council:

It is encouraging to see a full Implementation Plan in place for the City Deal as it sets out the detail of the progress we are making and the milestones we have already reached, setting the framework for how we will work for the next 20 years. One of the particularly positive outcomes has been seeing the three levels of government talking and working together to achieve the objectives of the plan.




Source:  Australian Government -

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