Improved koala mapping leads to better outcomes for koala habitat

18 December 2018

Queensland Government: The Palaszczuk Government is delivering on its commitment to protect koalas, with an extra 190,000 hectares of koala habitat now added to essential habitat mapping.

Minister for Environment Leeanne Enoch said this new koala habitat mapping follows recommendations from the Koala Expert Panel to better protect koalas in Queensland.

“The science tells us that the biggest threat to Queensland’s koala population is the loss of habitat, and that is why we are taking action,” Ms Enoch said.

“This new mapping incorporates the best available data and uses improved modelling techniques to help us identify and protect important koala habitat.

“The release of this mapping builds on the vital work the Palaszczuk Government has done to protect essential habitat through the passage of our strong land clearing laws.

“It is a further demonstration of the Government’s commitment to deliver on each of the Expert Panel’s recommendations, including appointing a new Koala Advisory Council which I announced earlier this month to oversee a new Koala Conservation Strategy.”

The extra koala habitat has been added to the Essential Habitat tool under the Vegetation Management mapping.

Ms Enoch said the update on the mapping was an important first step in implementing the recommendations of the Koala Expert Panel.

“Our Government is also working to identify priority areas for koala protection based on the updated koala habitat mapping.

“The next stage of mapping will be used, in part, to protect koala habitat through the planning framework.”

Minister Enoch said the Palaszczuk Government was currently reviewing the relevant components of the planning framework that relate to koala habitat protection.

The newly appointed Koala Council will be briefed on the next steps of the Koala Conservation Strategy when it meets on 13 December 2018.

The new mapping is available through vegetation mapping ( or Queensland Globe resource (

For more information about koala conservation in Queensland visit: 




Source:   Queensland Government -

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