Landmark announcement paves way for revitalised future Gosford


02 November 2018

NSW Government: Gosford’s revitalisation took another major step forward today with the release of the final Government Architect report and suite of new planning controls to enable the city to fulfil its destiny as the vibrant and thriving capital of the Central Coast.

Minister for Planning and Housing, Anthony Roberts, said following more than a year of consultation, the NSW Government had listened to the Central Coast community’s comments and ideas and incorporated them in a final series of measures that will pave the way for the Gosford of the future.

“People had different views on how it should be achieved but the message was loud and clear on one thing: revitalisation of Gosford needs to happen and it needs to happen now,” Mr Roberts said.

“Today we are putting in place the framework to drive further investment, attract new residents, business, tourists, cultural activity and jobs to Gosford.

“We have addressed many of the issues raised by community stakeholders and we want these same stakeholders to be involved in the delivery of the revitalisation plans.”

Acting NSW Government Architect Olivia Hyde said the final Gosford City Centre Urban Design Framework (UDF) maps out a design–led, place-based revitalisation process that focuses on public domain renewal.

“The place–based approach recommends focus on the delivery of attractive public places and the activation of these spaces as well as connectivity between the three core areas of Gosford City Centre,” she said.

“City North focuses on connecting the greatly expanded Gosford Hospital to the city across the rail corridor, to spread the benefits of the $400m investment into the development of the health and education precinct.

“City South makes stronger links between the city and the waterfront parklands to draw together locals, land, culture, history and recreation in a beautiful parkland destination and Civic Heart – Kibble Park and surrounds, links the City North to the City South.”

Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter and Central Coast, Scot MacDonald, said the Government also released the final Gosford City Centre State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP), Development Control Plan (DCP) and Special Infrastructure Contribution (SIC).

“These controls will implement the Government Architect’s Urban Design Framework and ensure design–led, streamlined, flexible and efficient development for Gosford City Centre,” Mr MacDonald said.

“In crafting the final controls, particular attention was paid to the desire to protect sunlight access to public open spaces, including Leagues Club Field and Kibble Park, and views to the stunning Brisbane Water and the bushland of Rumbalara Reserve and Presidents Hill.

“The SEPP and DCP will provide greater protection against overshadowing because they introduce measureable performance standards that replace the purely subjective provisions in the current controls, that are open to interpretation.”

The SIC will collect contributions for infrastructure that supports growth as the revitalisation program continues to roll out, reducing the overall contributions from 4 per cent to 3 per cent of the cost of development, with 1 per cent to go to a new local contributions plan.

“The SIC incentivises development in Gosford and reflects the Government’s $52 million commitment to upgrade vital water and sewer infrastructure and public domain in the city centre,” Mr Roberts said.

The SEPP will remain a stand-alone state policy until Central Coast Council completes its comprehensive Local Environmental Plan (LEP).

The Government also unveiled the Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation (HCCDC), a merged entity under the leadership of CEO Michael Cassel who has been instrumental in leading change and transforming Newcastle into a vibrant, dynamic and thriving hub of the Hunter Region.

“As Gosford City Centre’s revitalisation transitions from planning to implementation, Mr Cassel today takes the baton from Coordinator General for the Central Coast Lee Shearer who has done a brilliant job bringing all stakeholders around the table to pave the way for the future Gosford,” Mr Roberts said.

“When it comes to urban renewal and seizing opportunities to drive economic growth in cities, there is no one better than Mr Cassel.”

Ms Shearer will now focus on the continued delivery of the many other priority projects of the Central Coast Regional Plan 2036 (Regional Plan) – the Government’s blueprint to deliver environmentally sustainable jobs, housing and connected communities on the Central Coast.

Revitalisation of Gosford City Centre as the regional capital of a healthy, prosperous and connected Central Coast, is a key Ministerial priority of the Regional Plan.

For more information visit the Central Coast region page,




Source:  NSW Government -

Contact:  N/A

External Links: 

Gosford City Centre Urban Design Framework

Government Architect’s Urban Design Framework 

Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation 

Central Coast Regional Plan 2036   


Recent news by:  NSW Government