New jobs on the horizon with green light for industrial estate

19 June 2018

WA Government: West Mundijong is set to become a major economic gateway, with a new industrial area now approved to facilitate job-generating developments.

The strategically located industrial area is adjacent to a freight rail line and major roads, making it a key long-term link to the Inner Harbour and future Outer Harbour.

The West Mundijong area is an important future employment site, with the population of surrounding suburbs, including Byford, growing at a record pace. The Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale is one of the fastest growing local governments in Australia, with a population increase of 50 per cent between 2011 and 2016.

Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1298/41 changes the zoning from rural to industrial, facilitating job-generating developments in the area and providing a new employment hub for nearby residents.

The Minister for Planning has also approved Amendment 187 to the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale's Town Planning Scheme, which will facilitate detailed planning of the land and a development contribution scheme to assist local infrastructure funding.

As committed to before the election, the Industrial Lands Authority (ILA) has now been formed, aimed at fast-tracking industrial development and streamlining approvals for major employment projects.

The ILA will become the State Government's focal point for co-ordinating all government agencies responsible for delivering industrial land, and will work towards removing barriers to industrial development and provide a pipeline of suitable land.

The ILA will oversee LandCorp's existing general and strategic industrial areas across WA, including, among others, Crossroads Industrial in Forrestdale, Gap Ridge Industrial in Karratha, Meridian Park in Neerabup and Peel Business Park in Nambeelup.

The formation of the ILA is a key element of the reform of the State's land agencies. It will operate under the Western Australian Land Authority Act, be overseen by a steering committee, headed by the Director General of the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, and implemented through Western Australian Land Authority (LandCorp) resourcing.

The ILA announcement complements the recent announcement on the South Metropolitan Peel Sub-regional Planning framework that identifies locations for the expansion of existing industry and commerce.

These locations include the Western Trade Coast (Western Australia's premier industrial area), the new Outer Harbour and proposed intermodal freight transfer facilities within the Latitude 32 industrial area, and the West Mundijong industrial area.

Improved linkages between the south-western and south-eastern sectors will improve freight transportation to these strategic sites.

Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:

"Creating jobs close to where people live is an important aspect of a strong community.

"Byford's population has sky-rocketed in the last decade and it's only right that we plan for future employment hubs near our new, growing suburbs.

"The ILA delivers on an election commitment to support industry innovation and expansion to drive investment and employment in WA.

"The challenge I have set the ILA is to find ways to stimulate more job-creating projects and to ensure that there is enough development-ready land to service our needs in the future."

Comments attributed to Planning and Lands Minister Rita Saffioti:

"The McGowan Government places a high priority on driving industrial growth to boost job creation in WA.

"We want more State, national and international businesses to choose WA to locate and expand their operations.

"The ILA will support our commitment to driving jobs growth by making industrial land available across WA and working with the steering committee to find ways to encourage further investment."




Source:  Western Australia Government -

Contact:  Premier's office - 6552 5000  Planning and Lands Minister's office - 6552 5500

External Links:  N/A

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