Australia's first City Deal delivering for Townsville

13 April 2018

Federal Government: The Townsville City Deal is already creating more local jobs and attracting additional investment to Townsville, according to the first annual progress report released today.

Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure and Cities Paul Fletcher said progress to date on Australia's first City Deal was a great example of collaboration between all levels of government and the local community—a key feature of all City Deals.

“More than 2,000 people are being employed during construction of the North Queensland Stadium with a focus on locals benefiting—more than 90% of the work packages issued to date have been awarded to local businesses,” Mr Fletcher said.

Acting Queensland Treasurer Mick de Brenni said the projects included in the City Deal are transformative and are already creating more jobs in Townsville.

“We listened to Townsville businesses and residents about the need for more jobs and investment, and the report released today shows the excellent progress that is being made,” Mr de Brenni said.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill joined Minister Fletcher and Minister de Brenni in noting the City Deal's progress; particularly the focus on water security.

“The City Deal brought together expertise from all levels of government through the Townsville Water Security Taskforce, and we are now delivering crucial infrastructure that will guarantee Townsville's future water supply and be a job-creating project for the city,” CR Hill said.

Federal Minister for Resources and Northern Australia Matt Canavan said the Australian Government would continue to work collaboratively with local and state government and the broader community to deliver on the City Deal.

“Townsville is one of the major hubs in Northern Australia, and the first year of the Townsville City Deal has further reinforced its role. We're focussed on creating new investment and new jobs in the North,” Senator Canavan said.

Northern based LNP Senator Ian Macdonald said the Turnbull Government's $100 million contribution to the Stadium was a key component of the deal.

“This stadium is a transformational project that will help revitalise the Townsville CBD and is providing new opportunities for businesses and locals,” Senator Macdonald said.

State Member for Mundingburra Coralee O'Rourke said that the City Deal was progressing key infrastructure for the region.

“The City Deal is delivering the infrastructure our community needs to grow, including securing our water supply and encouraging jobs in tourism and construction,” Ms O'Rourke said.

State Member for Townsville Scott Stewart said that the City Deal was delivering for his community.

“I'm incredibly proud that Townsville was the very first City Deal in Australia with progress on projects like the Stadium already transforming our community,” Mr Stewart said.

Member for Thuringowa Aaron Harper said that the City Deal was driving jobs in the region.

“Through working together, we are ensuring an exciting economic future for our whole region, delivering thousands of local jobs and key infrastructure,” Mr Harper said.

Australia's first City Deal, a 15-year commitment to transform Townsville's economy and city centre, was signed by the Prime Minister, Queensland Premier and Townsville Mayor on 9 December 2016.




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