Good design the focus as eight Metropolitan sites are rezoned for mixed-use development

15 January 2018

SA Government: The Minister for Planning has approved rezoning of eight strategic development sites in metropolitan Adelaide

The sites include:

The Minister has also approved the Inner and Middle Metro Corridor (Design) Development Plan Amendment (DPA), which strengthens the requirements for good design for the eight sites, and along urban corridors where increased heights are allowed.

The Design DPA will provide better outcomes for local streets by improving the appearance of new developments and minimising the impact on nearby residents.

Four additional sites were originally proposed to be rezoned. Those sites were Otto Timber at Magill Road, Stepney; 6-10 Railway Terrace Mile End; 301-305 Unley Road Malvern and 52-60 The Parade, Norwood. The size and location of those sites meant that the interface with existing houses would be challenging.

Following extensive consultation with local residents and after receiving advice from the State Planning Commission, the Minister for Planning has decided not to proceed with those four sites.


On 30 May 2017 the Minister for Planning released the Inner and Middle Metro (Sites) DPA, which proposed to rezone 12 strategic development sites across metropolitan Adelaide.

The Sites DPA was accompanied by the Inner Metro (Design) DPA, which sought to improve design outcomes for medium density housing and other development on key transport corridors.

The Design DPA promotes good design for new buildings, to minimise the impact on existing nearby houses.

The public consultation period for both DPAs commenced Tuesday 30 May 2017 and ended Tuesday 25 July 2017. Some 428 written submissions were received, and 52 people attended public meetings to have their say in front of the State Planning Commission.

Advice from the State Planning Commission has recognised the need for the Sites DPA in the context of the transition to the new planning system, to avoid a lag in development activity and investment in South Australia.

Quotes attributable to Planning Minister John Rau

Both the Sites and the Design DPA are required as we transition from the old planning system to the new.

I have approved rezoning of 8 strategic sites for mixed-use development. I have not approved rezoning for 4 sites where the community was strongly opposed to the rezoning, and where impacts on adjoining residents would be more difficult to manage.

Good design should be front of mind in planning decisions. Good design will be a key element of our new planning system, however the new system will take time to implement.

In the interim, I have also strengthened the policy requiring good design along urban corridors where we have allowed higher buildings. This will protect existing residents from the impact of larger developments, like overlooking and overshadowing.




Source:  South Australian Government -

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