Work progresses on possible Canberra city campus for UNSW

08 January 2018

ACT Government: A Memorandum of Understanding has now been signed by both the ACT Government and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) to guide discussions on a possible major new campus and innovation precinct in Canberra.

The vision of a city centre flanked by world-class education and research institutions on either side is one I’m excited to be exploring with UNSW.

The construction of a major new campus has the potential to serve so many of our ambitions as a city: urban renewal, diversifying our economy, attracting and retaining talented people and making the ACT an even better place to live, study and invest.

Higher education and research is already among Canberra’s economic strengths. The sector contributes $2.7 billion each year and supports around 16,000 jobs.

International education is the ACT’s largest export, with 14,000 international students currently studying here. Per capita, we’re Australia’s largest exporter of international education.

The MoU we have signed this week will see the ACT Government and UNSW work together on the detail around the proposal, including the potential use of the land, the description and overall design principles of the campus and the nature of the services to be provided on campus. A detailed community engagement plan will also be developed.

The information generated through this next phase will then form the basis of decisions UNSW may make in bringing forward a formal proposal to government for consideration.

The Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) will be involved in the project working group and would remain a separate entity within the broader academic precinct. The CIT campus priorities will be taken into account in any proposed development.

The proposed education precinct would be home to teaching facilities, research facilities, collaborative industry activities and facilities to support the campus population, such as parking, student housing, retail and child care.




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