Investment outlook strengthens

20 November 2017

Deloitte: The outlook for business investment in Australia is healthier than it’s been for some time, according to the latest edition of Deloitte Access Economics latest Investment Monitor.

Key points include:

Releasing the September quarter Deloitte Access Economics Investment Monitor, lead author and Deloitte Access Economics partner Stephen Smith said: “Australia has now gone nine months without any further falls in business investment, the first time this has happened in five years.

“This improvement is occurring at the same time as state and federal governments are spending large amounts of money on transport projects, with additional stamp duty revenues generated during the housing boom and funds from asset recycling are being directed in publicly funded road and rail developments – particularly in New South Wales and Victoria.

“To fully understand the surge in investment, it is useful to cast our eye forward. Activity is expected to continue lifting from the trough observed in 2015, reaching a peak of around $16 billion in 2020. This also excludes new projects that may enter the Investment Monitor database in the coming years.”

Key figures for the September quarter included:

Deloitte Access Economics’ Investment Monitor is primarily a source of information for businesses and others about major engineering and commercial construction projects and their promoters. It is also a barometer of structural change in the Australian economy, and of the investment climate – now and in the future.




Source:  Deloitte -

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