The ARA welcomes the Australian Senate’s Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport references Committee’s report into Australia’s Rail Industry

03 November 2017

The Australasian Railway Association (ARA) welcomes the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee’s report into Australia’s Rail Industry that was tabled in the Senate on Wednesday, 18 October 2017.

“The Australian Senate’s objective for the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee has been for the Committee to engage in an inquiry into the state of Australia’s rail industry and how government procurement, including through the Australian Rail Track Corporation, and other policy levers can improve the value for money, competitiveness, stability of work and capability of the rail manufacturing industry," said Danny Broad, Chief Executive Officer of the Australasian Railway Association.

“The inquiry’s objective has been specific in focus on maximising the benefits for the Australian rail manufacturing industry, which the ARA believes is an important component in the broader context of a rail transport solution for Australia, as detailed in the ARA’s ‘National Rail Industry Plan for the Benefit of Australia’ document that was released in September 2017.

“The nine recommendations from the Senate Committee further validate the importance of State, Territory and Commonwealth Government’s getting behind a National Rail Plan to ensure there is greater rail coordination nationally.

“The ARA thanks the Committee for acknowledging the ARA’s efforts in putting together a truly national plan and looks forward to its continued support," concluded Danny Broad.

The Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee’s report into Australia’s Rail Industry is available here

The ARA’s National Rail Industry Plan for the Benefit of Australia is available here




Source:  Australasian Railway Association (ARA) - 

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